Welcome to the Revolution...

After many years we are on the verge of opening the frontier.
And I am on the verge of learning how to blog.
You may have seen my writings elsewhere, Huffington Post, Space News or other places.
Such items can be read on those sites or on my main page.
This place however is Mine. Thus you may expect anything...and I apologize for nothing - not even typos.

Monday, December 31, 2012

What will You Do Now?

At this revolution of the Earth we look backwards and forwards.

We celebrate and lament the past and pledge and promise about the future.

But we must be clear in both of these, as they are different things and yet all the same. As none of it is real.
Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow a dream.

Only the Now counts.

In the turning of time we are always moving forward. We mark the moments with memories, and tag those memories with numbers. But the numbers mean nothing. They are a construct. What counts is what happened to you each moment of your life, and then, even more importantly, what you did about what happened, and then what happened because you did something.

This begins with our birth, as it is almost literally the seminal act of our creation. It is something done to us. It is the one and only time in our whole life wherein there is no prior trace of decision on our part that has put us in a place our space.

From that moment on the rest is our reaction to what has been done, and soon enough what we do in the world into which we have been delivered.

What have you done with that which has been done to you? What have you done to the world? And what will you do now? As those things done to you have already had their effect on you. Those things you have done have already had or begun the ripple of their effect on the world. Neither of these can you change. They are done.

What you can change is what happens now. And what you do next.

So what will it be?

What will You do Now?


Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Limits Are Mine

The great irony of existence is we are our own limiting factor.

I can choose to do what I want when I want and how I want.
I can choose to do it wisely or foolishly.
I can choose to stay where I am or stretch myself. I can reach for the stars or reach for the bong or beer as I whine about the stars being so out of reach.

And as I do or dont do I can blame the world, my family and society f
or not allowing me to do what I want, or I can do what I want and all be dammed - including my choice of limits.
The limit is mine.

Most of us choose to limit ourselves and spend our lives discussing those limits, who put them on us and why they are so powerful that they have us limiting ourselves - even when the limiters are gone and the limit merely ghosts in our minds machine. All the while we are creating them, renewing them, giving them power, even as we speak them.

I choose to cast them off. Too often I have fallen prey to myself, too often bought my own line, too often believed in less than, too little and too hard.

I completely control the interaction I have With the universe when it comes to my reaction to all things In the universe, which is itself unlimited and surrounds me with its example.

At the end of all ends I will end up where I end, and all that will matter is what I did on the way there
...and how many limits I overcame.
Those who reach for the stars have no fear of the night. RNT 1990

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mundane Divinity and Stars

Each day I go from the macro to the micro...
from trying to change the future of life and humanity,
to changing lanes in a crowded freeway among a million other drivers scurrying here and there...
from reaching for the stars 
to reaching for the bananas in the vegetable section...

but then, isn't that what it is about... 

There is something divine in us, something of a Godseed...that allows us to live the
lives of ants and apes and yet reach for the stars. 

To ignore this is to ignore destiny. 

And it is Our destiny, unique among living things on this world, 
to be able to create a new destiny, to choose among futures, 
to be able to kill and to create, 
to turn away from possibility or step boldly into it and thus change the destiny of all the life around us... 

an ant is born ant, will live and dies as an ant 
doing exactly the things ants have done 
since ants became...ants... 

an ape is born an ape, into a culture and life that is of being an ape, 
and will do what apes have done 
since apes became...apes... 

But we, we are born each day into a newly created world, where what we do is changing sometimes in the moment. 
Our lives have commonalities with the lives of the first humans, 
but we swim under the seas like fish, 
we fly in the skies like birds, 
and step beyond them all to rise above and beyond this world to where there is no life
so that new life might arise there. 

It is maddening and yet perfection...and probably the point of it all...