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After many years we are on the verge of opening the frontier.
And I am on the verge of learning how to blog.
You may have seen my writings elsewhere, Huffington Post, Space News or other places.
Such items can be read on those sites or on my main page.
This place however is Mine. Thus you may expect anything...and I apologize for nothing - not even typos.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Cosmos, Chaos, Curiosity on Kickstarter: The Final Countdown

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Hello everyone,

There are only six days left in the Kickstarter campaign for my book, Cosmos, Chaos, Curiosity, but we are so close to reaching the goal! 
If you have some time today, please forward this link to your friends and anyone who may be interested, to give it one more push!!
I truly feel that this book will help its readers make sense out of our chaotic world, and will spur people's curiosity about everyday-topics that they see every day, yet just never thought about in this way. 
Thank you so kindly for your help in promoting this!

ps. If you donate just $1 you will receive my latest ZIA music album, "Drum'n'Space" too! 
Elaine Walker was raised by two loving mathematics professors, and has a deep appreciation for math, but was born a musician. She received her Masters Degree in Music Technology from New York University in 2001. Her thesis was on using chaos mathematics to compose and perform music. She built a hardware MIDI device to play "chaos melodies", allowing the performer control over the mathematics, tempo, and dynamics. For several years that followed, she was one of two music editors for the cartoon, Pokemon. Since 1991 she has composed and performed music for her electronic music band, ZIA. She builds custom MIDI keyboards and has taught audio and MIDI technology at the college level since 2007. Since the mid 1990s, Elaine has volunteered for the pro-space community (now known as "new space"), promoting the idea of humans living in space. For five Summers, Elaine traveled to the Canadian High Arctic as the Education and Public Outreach Coordinator for the Haughton-Mars Project.
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